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System Analysis and Designing a System Solution Using Database Software - Example

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Moving from the manual system to the automated system, it may face lots of challenges. There is different business processes that cant be changed…
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System Analysis and Designing a System Solution Using Database Software
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SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT Project Management Consideration: On request for the association to continue with this project, it must consider following the new system nearby the manual system. Moving from the manual system to the automated system, it may face lots of challenges. There is different business processes that cant be changed overnight however require some serious energy. This must be attained with the manual system working side by side with the automated system. The manual system likewise serves as a backup. This report requires performing a systems analysis and then designing a system solution using database software i.e. Ms Access. Cars merchant works in offering new vehicles. At the point when a prospective client enters the showroom, he or she is welcomed by a deals agent. The deals agent physically rounds out a structure with data, for example, the prospective clients name, location, contact number, visit, and make and model of the car in which the client is intrigued. The agent additionally gets some information about the organization whether it was from a daily paper notice, the Web, or verbal and this data is likewise noted on the structure. On the off chance that the client chooses to buy an auto, the merchant rounds out a bill of offer. Then again, cars merchant does not accept it has enough data about its clients. It cant without much of a stretch figure out which prospects have made auto buys, nor would it be able to distinguish which client touch focuses have delivered the best number of offers leads or real deals so it can center promoting and advertising all the more on the channels that produce the most income. Are buyers uncovering car’s merchant from daily paper ads, from verbal, or from the Web? This report supports to set up a frameworks investigation report specifying vehicles’ merchants issue and a framework result that might be actualized utilizing PC database management software. At that point use database programming to create a basic framework result. This frameworks examination report ought to incorporate the accompanying: Management, technology and organization issues to be identified by the solution and new business processes which will be implemented in to the organization. Overview of the problem in the organization and its impact Information requirements to be identified by this method. Costs and benefits of the solution will be identified and dealing with these issues. Proposed solution and it’s solution objectives Project Description: The automobile industry is a huge industry, numbers of companies and organization having foot hold in this industry. They deal with product design, product development, manufacturing of vehicles and selling of vehicles. These are huge tasks that performed by automobile industry to fulfill the market demand. For this, automobile industry use different departments for each functions. Like product design is done by Research and Development Center, procurement of raw materials done by Operation Department, selling of vehicles done by Sales Department of any automobile organization. However, selling of vehicles is not an easy task. Sales Department has to keep maintains and records of their each customer’s track. In early days, the automobile’s companies used manual entry in a book keeping record to track their each customer. This process was very hard to maintain, since every attributes are entered manually and individually. This process consumes lots of time. Even, in emergency situation to access the old records of the customers was very hard to find the details of customers and took lots of time. This problem can be overcome by using database software. It will aids the automobile companies to keep maintain and record the each track of their customers automatically. This database software is easy to operate than an old book keeping method. Each and every record will be can be entered and accessed easily. The admin can monitor each track record of the customers from back end tool i.e. Ms Access. In this database software development tool, all input entries are done from front end software and will be stored in a database in a proper format. It has same function like other database management softwares. Ms Access is a very powerful tool to create a database. It has both functions of front end and back end; from front end the user can input data whereas in back end the data will be stored in a proper format. Data will be stored in a table from where the user or admin can access it. Ms Access is a computer application used to make and computer-built databases for individual computers and/or on joined computers. Ms Access could be utilized for particular information management, in a little business to compose and handle data, or in an undertaking to communicate with servers. Ms Access saves data in its own particular arrangement focused around the Access Jet Database Engine. It can additionally import or connection specifically to data put away in different applications and databases. It will aid the automobile’s companies to manage their customer’s data in a proper format and in necessary it can be accessed from there too. In this repot we are going to discuss how Ms Access will be a benefit for automobile’s companies to manage the record of their customers at the moment of sales and how it should be created and what should be attributes in table of Ms Access. Through this, reader will able to know about the use of Ms Access in their auto sales to avoid problems. Proposed Objectives: Shareability: A capability to share data assets is a major destination of database administration. In its fullest understanding, this methods distinctive individuals and diverse methodologies utilizing the same real data at essentially the same time. Rather extensive repercussions stem from the expressed target of shareability: Serving distinctively sorts of clients with shifting aptitude levels. Handling diverse client perspectives of the same put away data. Setting gauges. Controlling simultaneous overhauls in order to keep up data privacy Coordinating restart and recuperation operations crosswise over numerous clients. This schedule shows a percentage of the extra issues which emerge in overseeing shared data. A focal ramification of offering is that bargain will frequently be needed between clashing client needs as, for instance, in the foundation of a data structure and comparing stockpiling structure. Availability: Availability means bringing the data of an association to the clients of that data. They framework which handle data sources ought to be effortlessly available to the individuals inside an organization – making the data accessible when and where it is required, and in the way and structure in which it is required. Availability alludes to both the data and the DBMS which conveys the data. Availability capacities make the database accessible to clients: characterizing and making a database, and getting data done and finished with a database. These are the immediate capacities performed by a DBMS. A DBMS ought to oblige differences in the data put away. The heft of association data, as customarily took care of in bookkeeping frameworks, laid in the encased area of verifiable, inward, budgetary data. A database management framework must be fit for arriving at past this area to handle more noteworthy differing qualities in the data put away, including subjective data, fragmentary advertising knowledge data, unverifiable conjectures and accumulated data, and additionally authentic promoting, assembling, faculty and bookkeeping data. Evolvability: Evolvability alludes to the capacity of the DBMS to change in light of developing client needs and propelling innovation. Evolvability is the framework trademark that upgrades future accessibility of the data assets. Evolvability is not the same as expandability or extensibility, which infer stretching out or adding to the framework, which then develops ever bigger. Evolvability blankets extension or withdrawal, both of which may happen as the framework progressions to fit the steadily changing needs and cravings of the natures turf. Flexibility is a more exceptional type of evolvability in which inherent calculations empower a framework to change itself, instead of having a change made to it. Versatility includes purposive, self sorting out, or self controlling conduct, that is, self regulation to a solitary model of achievement: extreme, long haul survival. A framework showing versatile conduct heartily looks for a specific state or objective by changing itself because of a change in itself or the earth. Evolvability intimates the continuous unfolding, advancement and development of a framework to better help the earth: and it infers change of the framework in light of changing needs and innovation. With the current situation with engineering, such change is remotely controlled. Later on such change may happen consequently inside the framework, therefore showing versatile conduct. Trustworthiness: The significance and pervasiveness of the need to keep up database uprightness is established in the actuality that man is great. Pulverization, lapses and dishonorable divergence must be expected and express components accommodated taking care of them. The three essential aspects of database honesty are: Ensuring the presence of the database Maintaining the nature of the database Ensuring the security of the database. In creating DBMS, the bookkeepers idea of inward control has been for all intents and purpose overlooked. Machine authorities need such ideas to enhance database uprightness and improve management certainty. Proposed Solution: The automobiles companies ought to automate its business process. It can do this by following a customer system with a successful and proficient database software design. This will store the information about the customers in a way that can help the automobiles companies settle on the above business decisions and screen the business processes. This is extremely attainable given the way that the company has a personal computer with internet access and the full suite of Microsoft Office desktop tools. Cost and benefit solution: The company will acquire insignificant costs given the way that it as of now has a PC with internet access and the full suite of Ms Office desktop tools. The costs caused will be the buy of more computers and multi-client permit of Microsoft Office desktop tools. In any case, the profits far out way these costs. It will automate its business processes and make them more productive and successful. Therefore, it will augment on its deals. This will then prompt the boost of its benefits. Information prerequisites tended to by this result incorporate protection issues with regards to the customer information. The information is classified and ought not to be utilized for any possible reason other than the one expressed previously. That is to amplify the organizations benefits. The information could be ensured by utilization of passwords and data encryption. Issues related to this are: Organization: The hierarchical structure will additionally need to be changed so as to receive the above result. There will be the need to have managers or supervisors that monitors the staffs and guarantee there is no violation of data. There will be the requirement for different access levels of information to the staffs. This will decrease the danger of misrepresentation. Management: With the discussions of the above out comes, the way in which the business processes are handled will need to be additionally automated. Along these lines, administration will be settling on decisions in a more brief and powerful way. Technology: With the discussions of the above out comes, there will be the need to prepare the staffs on the most proficient method to utilize it. There will likewise be the need to make an IT department to manage the different difficulties that will be confronted as the automobiles companies utilize this result. These methods getting new staffs that have the obliged abilities. ER Diagram In programming designing, an entity–relationship model (ER model) is an information model for portraying the information or data parts of a business area or its process prerequisites, in a conceptual way that fits eventually being executed in a database, for example, a relational database. The fundamental parts of ER models are entities (things) and the relationship that can link among them. An entity may be characterized as a thing fit for an autonomous presence that might be remarkably distinguished. An entity is a deliberation from the complexities of an area. When we talk about an entity, we ordinarily discuss some part of this present reality that could be recognized from different parts of this present reality. An entity may be a physical object, for example, a house or an auto, an occasion, for example, a house deal or an auto administration, or an idea, for example, a client transaction or request. Despite the fact that the term entity is the one most regularly utilized, after Chen we ought to truly recognize an entity and an entity-sort. An entity-sort is a class. An entity, strictly talking, is a case of a given entity-sort. There are typically numerous occasions of an entity-sort. Since the term entity-sort is to a degree unwieldy, most individuals have a tendency to utilize the term entity as an equivalent word for this term. Entities: The entities primary keys are underlined at figures. We decided to utilize numeric values as the essential enter in all entities, on the grounds that it is speedier to pursuit through an arrangement of numbers contrasted with an arrangement of content strings. In a few cases content strings would have been the regular option, e.g. a compound essential enter in suppliers comprising of the suppliers name, city, and nation. Product: All insights concerning the products in the framework are put away in this substance, with the exception of stock figures. Every product has an interesting product identification number and has a place with a certain classification in the Categories element. Whats more data about name, merchant, model, value, portrayal, and picture could be kept in this element. The product identification number is a special, primary key. Category: Products are sorted out into classifications and this entity keeps data about all the classes. Each category has a novel identification number, a name, a depiction, and a picture. This is special identification number in category as primary key. Supplier: The deals framework helps different suppliers and data about all the suppliers is spoken to by this entity. We have to store name, address, postal code, city, nation, and email location of the suppliers. The last is kept as an advantageous approach to contact the supplier. As a sample the suppliers email locations could be enlisted in a mailing rundown, such that the suppliers could impart effortlessly and efficiently, however that is out of the extent of this venture. It would be sensible to utilize a compound key comprising of e.g. name, city, and nation as primary key for this entity, however for execution reasons we recognize the suppliers utilizing an identification number as formerly mentioned. Relationship: In this area the database models connections will be displayed and represented. The first hand impression of the ER-diagram may offer ascent to migraine for database masters, on the grounds that the elements and connections structure two rounds. Circularity in ER-diagrams are known to be the base of excess information and operational issues, yet in area we will clarify why that certainty has about no effect on our structure. The elements requests, request Details, item Details, stock Status, and suppliers are included in the loops. This relationship associate classes and product Details, on the grounds that the products recorded in product Details are arranged into classifications recorded in the classifications substance. A solitary classification may hold many products, so the relationship is one-to-many from classifications to product Details. Each one request is allotted to a solitary supplier, such that a solitary supplier is said to "possess" various requests. Suppliers to requests, and as an aftereffect of this, the requests substance has a quality called supplier ID. The relationship is one-to-many from product Details to stock Status, on the grounds that a product may be in stock at a few suppliers, however a record in stock Status might just reference a solitary product in product Details. Customers spot requests through the web shop to use the framework. That demonstration is spoken to by this relationship which permits a solitary customer to submit a few requests and limits a request to be put by one customer. As a result about the relationship is one-to-many from customers to requests. This circularity is made by the relationships between request Details, product Details, stock Status, and suppliers. Both request Details and stock Status have the traits product ID and supplier ID, in light of the fact that there are one-to-many relationships far from suppliers and far from product Details. In the event that the loop had roundabout determination of properties in view of unidirectional one-to-many relationships, it would exhibit a genuine issue. On the off chance that that is the case, then the database configuration is difficult to setup in a social database administration framework, on the grounds that the tables, which speak to the substances, have to be made one at once, and a table cant be made on the off chance that it identifies with an alternate, non-existing table. ER Diagram for Auto Sale: Database Design: Table Design View: Product Table Supplier Table Category Form View: Product Supplier Category Query 1 Query 1: SELECT Category.[Category Number], [Product Table].[Product Number], [Product Table].[Product Name], [Supplier Table].[Supplier Number] FROM (Category INNER JOIN [Product Table] ON Category.[Category Number] = [Product Table].[Category Number]) INNER JOIN [Supplier Table] ON [Product Table].[Supplier Number] = [Supplier Table].[Supplier Number]; Query 2 Query 2: SELECT Category.[Product Category], [Product Table].[Product Number], [Product Table].[Product Name], [Product Table].[Purchase Cost], [Product Table].[Selling Price], [Product Table].[Quantity On Hand], [Supplier Table].[Supplier Number], [Supplier Table].[Company Name] FROM (Category INNER JOIN [Product Table] ON Category.[Category Number] = [Product Table].[Category Number]) INNER JOIN [Supplier Table] ON [Product Table].[Supplier Number] = [Supplier Table].[Supplier Number]; Query 3 Query 3: SELECT Category.[Category Salesperson First Name], Category.[Category Salesperson Last Name], [Product Table].[Product Number], [Product Table].[Product Name], [Product Table].[Purchase Cost], [Product Table].[Selling Price], [Product Table].[Supplier Number] FROM (Category INNER JOIN [Product Table] ON Category.[Category Number] = [Product Table].[Category Number]) INNER JOIN [Supplier Table] ON [Product Table].[Supplier Number] = [Supplier Table].[Supplier Number]; References: Awad, E., & Gotterer, M. (1992). Database management (1st ed.). Danvers, Mass.: Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co. Diehr, G. (1989). Database management (1st ed.). Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman. Hoffer, J., McFadden, F., & McFadden, F. (2002). Modern database management (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. McFadden, F., Hoffer, J., & McFadden, F. (1991). Database management (1st ed.). Redwood City, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. Read More
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