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Problems of Using Both Diesel Trains and Electric Trains - Essay Example

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The paper "Problems of Using Both Diesel Trains and Electric Trains" tells that in major parts of the world, trains are considered a significant source of locomotion. Trains can carry immense loads and require much less fuel as compared to the amount of load-carrying capacity…
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Problems of Using Both Diesel Trains and Electric Trains
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In this paper, I will evaluate the problems of using both diesel trains and electric trains, and can these problems be solved by switching to just one or the other.

Problems with Using diesel Trains

As diesel prices are rising, it became less feasible from an economic point of view to utilize oil resources as the main source of energy. On the other hand, diesel fuel engines produce immense greenhouse emissions. The engine requires cooling, and thus the efficiency of a diesel-fired engine is not more than 40% (the Guardian, 2012). The diesel power train engines require scheduled maintenance. The maintenance cost remains to be high (Nearing, 2013).

Problems with Electric Trains

Consume a large amount of electrical energy. In case of electric failure, the train is unable to continue the journey, as it requires constant supply. In case of a thunderstorm, the delicate electronics may not work properly. Sometimes, hanging electric wires over the trains is considered to be less protective

Comparison between Diesel and Electric Trains

Electric trains are much more efficient as compared to diesel-fired trains. On the other hand, the technological advancements in electric trains made the electric power trains, the fastest trains. Electric trains convert electric energy to mechanical energy, the motors require less cooling as compared to the engines so less energy is wasted. At higher altitudes, diesel engines become less efficient due to the lack of oxygen but electric rains work properly in that situation. Electric trains are more environmentally friendly as compared to diesel trains. Electrical trains are equipped with backup systems in case one motor fails, and other motors support its weight. If electrical energy is from a renewable source, the environmental impact of transportation can be reduced. If electrical energy is generated from fossil fuel resources, electrical trains still generate 20-30% low greenhouse emissions as compared to diesel trains. Electrical trains are more economically feasible as compared to diesel trains (Nearing, 2013).

Solutions that can make diesel trains better

To increase the efficiency of diesel trains, it is important to convert the heat energy from the exhaust to a useful form. One way of doing this is to utilize the thermal energy recovery system. The heat recovery should be used to convert water into steam and then use steam to power the train. By doing this, the energy-efficient can be increased to 80% or more. Instead of using petroleum diesel, biodiesel can reduce the cost of the fuel and reduce the environmental impact of diesel-fired engines (Takeuchi, Goodman, & Sone, 2003).

Solutions that can make electrical trains better

The researchers have researched much to make the electrical trains better and more secure but from a general perspective, there is a need to power the trains from more than one source, more than one source will act as the backup power system. There is a need for board batteries that power the trains in any case. The trains should be shielded from natural light and the overhead wires should be insulated as in the modern magnetically levitated electric trains, where they act to power the train (, 2011).


Electric trains are far better than diesel trains. Electric trains are faster, more reliable, need less maintenance, and require less energy as compared to diesel trains. Electric trains are more environmentally responsible as compared to diesel trains particularly if the power comes from a renewable resource. All trains should be converted to utilize electrical energy instead of using diesel (Andersson & Lukaszewicz, 2006).

Impact of using electrical energy for trains

There is a need to generate more energy by utilizing energy-efficient resources and sustainable resources for electric trains. A part of the world is facing a shortage of resources; electrical powered trains could provide a better solution for an energy scare country. The overall environmental impact of the trains would certainly drop to its lowest point. The latest technology of magnetically levitated trains can travel at more than 350km/h (, 2011); however, diesel-powered trains have the maximum capacity of traveling at 180km/h. the energy efficiency will increase and the dependency on fossil fuels can be lowered.

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