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People grieve over the death of a loved one in different ways - Essay Example

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Losing a loved one is a difficult time for most people. Individuals may experience a plethora of emotions such as inconsolable crying, the desire to join the person in death, and often even anger. Each…
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People grieve over the death of a loved one in different ways
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Full Grieving Mechanisms Death is inevitable and somehow, each one has to face the pains it brings. Losing a loved one isa difficult time for most people. Individuals may experience a plethora of emotions such as inconsolable crying, the desire to join the person in death, and often even anger. Each person grieves in their own way, and may find themselves overcome with more than one emotion at the same time. The mixture of emotions is always there however, some are able to control or even mask them while others are simply unable to hide their feelings.

This paper will try to illustrate the different grieving mechanisms which individuals exhibit in expressing their sorrow over a loved one’s death.For most people, when a loved one dies, they definitely feel a deep sense of sadness. The realization that the person will not be with the family anymore makes the living members cry inconsolably. However, they also realize that life has to go on with them. For some, they may try to cope with the pain and loss by denying the death of the loved one.

They continue to live their lives as if the dead family member simply went on a long vacation. Some even try to write letters to make them feel that the person they love did not pass away but is just on another side of the globe. Others keep on doing things they enjoyed doing for the person such as cooking their favorite foods on special occasions. Some would keep their favorite things and use the favorite scents of the person they have lost. They want to feel the presence of the dead person by cheating on their perceptions and feelings.

This may last for a few weeks, months or even years depending on a person’s ability to accept and face the truth.On the other hand, a person may feel angry. Sometimes, they do not understand why they feel that way or they do not even know who they are angry at. They just feel indignant because they have lost a person whom they love. Some feel they do not deserve the loss. For instance, a wife who recently got married to the best man she has ever met suddenly losses him in a car accident with a drunk driver who miraculously survives.

The circumstances can initially make her angry at the drunk driver. Eventually, she will question why the reckless, wicked drunk driver lived while her wonderful husband died. For those who believe in God, such questioning can turn the hatred toward the supposedly Omnipotent God. This grieving mechanism may not be helpful in the turn of events but it somehow helps the person release the anger and anguish within.In addition, an individual can also feel guilty over the loss of a person especially when they have not been in good terms before the death of a person.

One could also feel guilty when he blames himself for the death of a loved one or if he thinks he could have prevented the event if he did something about it. This can often lead to outburst or silent crying. Whatever manner people do to express their desolation, the most common among all is sleeplessness, change in eating habits, withdrawal from social occasions, helplessness and a replay of the events of the death in one’s mind. Indeed, losing a loved one can change a lot about a person but knowing the different grieving mechanisms can somehow help understand and reach out to mourning individuals.

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“People Grieve over the Death of a Loved One in Different Ways Essay”, n.d.
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