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Colonial America to Road to Revolution - Essay Example

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They became united as a nation on the basis of the wilderness with which they met after reaching to a new land. The people that came to America were from many countries such as Ireland, England,…
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Colonial America to Road to Revolution
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From These Beginnings by Page Smith Roll No: Teacher: 27th January 2009 From These Beginnings by Page Smith American colonists did not belong to the similar backgrounds but different ones. They became united as a nation on the basis of the wilderness with which they met after reaching to a new land. The people that came to America were from many countries such as Ireland, England, Scotland, Germany, France, Holland, Sweden and many others. They faced different kinds of problems in their lands such as poverty, inequality, crime, religious problems and many others due to which, they migrated to a new land, which accommodated them all.

People from all classes reached America for their destiny.People also entered America as servants that were required for management of the households and they were kept on the basis of indenture. Smith regards the story of indentured servants as one of the most dramatic event in colonial America. Slaves also ran from their cruel masters and established as respectable citizens and many whose masters were good to them, remained with them after migration. Many felons, thieves and vagabonds also arrived to colonial America in order to escape.

Convicts and felons reached America because they were made outcast by English government and were sent to America.Most of the colonial America was populated by English men and women that came to America for various reasons. Therefore, many people from various lands including England reached America and were accommodated in it. People from diverse cultures and different religious ideologies reached America and form a united nation.Wholesomely, I like the essay by Page Smith but while reading, it appeared that I was losing the touch with the central theme of the essay.

However, the essay is informative and is rich in terms of historic narration. It informs in detail about formation of America as a nation of diverse individuals.Works CitedSmith, Page. “From These Beginnings”. Portrait of America: Volume 1 to 1877.

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