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Negative Implications of Technology on Workers - Essay Example

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This paper 'Negative Implications of Technology on Workers' tells us that technology has in recent days, changed a great deal especially affecting many aspects of work, which consequently forces workers to change their way of life. Embracing advanced technology is advantageous to the firm in terms of quality production…
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Negative Implications of Technology on Workers
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Negative Implications of Technology on Workers Introduction Technology has in recent days, changed a great deal especially affecting many aspects of work, which consequently forces workers to change their way of life. Although, embracing advanced technology is advantageous to the firm in terms of quality production and effective performance, some workers have found themselves struggling to adapt to new working environment. It is worth noting that technology has come with greater job efficiency and customer satisfaction but on the other hand, it has created sorrow and worry to some employees who are not ready to uphold new changes. Workers in the 21st century have increasingly raised concerns on how technology has changed their tasks as well as way of life, which could possibly lower performance. Some have lost their jobs because of mechanization and use of computers implying high level of unemployment. It has therefore become necessary for management to formulate policies for introducing new technology that do not lower workers ego but instead instills morale and motivation. In this paper, the issue of negative impact of technology on workers shall be discussed; issues related to technology change in working environment and suggest how to develop a mechanism to solve negative impact of technology, its implementation and suggestion on how to improve workers perception on new technology. Problem Technology is in recent days among the greatest challenges that employees have because they fear losing their jobs after introduction of computers and other devices. Although job has been made easier and efficient, technology has lowered workers morale especially those that are convinced that use of computers, robots and advanced machinery will eventually replace them (Hodgetts & Hegar, 2008). Many workers are therefore not ready to embrace new technology; instead, they are resisting management move to introduce new technologically advanced equipment. This has made work become ineffective since workers are always on go-slows in embracing new technology especially the one that is deemed to take away their positions. Resistance has especially come from workers who are not skilled, those that like paper work and they fear that lack of knowledge on how to use computers can possibly eliminate them. Workers resistance to technology change has held some organization behind thus not sustaining stiff competition especially in the 21st century. However, workers involvement in decision making and implementation of strategies to embrace technology changes has created a good working environment since delegation of authority to junior officers enables them accommodate changes with determination and passion. Issues Workers addiction to social media such a Facebook and Tweeter has affected performance since a few, or no worker, pay attention to their tasks. Workers allowance to use computers and android phones at work place can have negative implication on overall performance. In the 21st century, internet addiction has grown greatly especially among the youth. It has become almost impossible for workers to abandon engaging is social media sites which possibly divert their attention away from job responsibilities. In some instances, it has become difficult for workers to stop addiction even after management intervention. For example, survey conducted on workers in relation to addiction to Happy Farm Facebook Application game in China, clearly showed that workers who played the game for six months developed addiction and stopping it was not easy (Pi-chu, 2013). Their level of concentration in job was found to be low as opposed to those that had no addiction hence implying poor performance. The issue of internet has majorly affected newly employed workers as well as those that are in internship since they find it difficult to adapt to new environment where, idling is prohibited bearing in mind that in school they had long leisure time. The problem can be handled by exposing newly recruited workers to counseling sessions to try reducing internet addiction hence boosting workers performance. Unfortunately, despite technology being efficient and accurate, it may cause health and physical damages on workers. For example, modern surface ships use electronic devices such as ECM system for data processing and voice communication, which may have negative health implications (Shechter & Netzer, 2007). This manifests by emitting unfriendly rays that end up affecting health of the crew as well as passengers. Workers exposure to the rays from (RF) can amount to discomfort, burn and even protein denaturalization. Additionally, workers in steel industries often than not, suffer injuries from sophisticated machines which, at times have chopped their body parts such a fingers and arms during operation. It is therefore important for management to ensure that, devices in the working environment do not pose any physical danger on workers. E-waste disposed into the workers environment may have implication on performance through pollution and occupation of working space. Old machines may occupy useful space in the office and in the environment hence making it difficult for workers to perform as required (Hester & Harrison, 2009). For example, unused photocopiers can occupy large space, which can possibly be used in another useful way. It is therefore imperative to look for an effective way to arrange electronic gadgets in a manner not to interfere day-to-day activities. Additionally, broken parts of electronics such as computers and printers disposed into the environment can cause air pollution especially, when they caught up with fire because most of them are made of rubber and plastic. Similarly, the waste can act as habitat for harmful insects and crawling animals, which accidently can bite a worker while in working environment. The issue of E-waste can however be addressed by looking for good ways to dispose waste like recycling, dumping them in the right place and incase of old machines they can be put in a store to avoid workers disruption. Technology may sometime appear biased especially if it absorbs some workers and eliminate others due to variance in competencies. If workers are not allowed to take part in the program of implementing new technology or else participate then fail, they can feel demoralized and end up quitting job. However, others can be retained regardless of whether they participated or not because of their high competencies thus sending a negative perception to workers towards technology because of being selective. Notably, all workers should be allowed to take part in implementing new technology in order to feel as part of the organization. Workers involvement increases confidence towards the new program where instances of resistance are minimized (Bamber & Russel, 2013). Workers should also feel free to contribute on how they want the new system to work as this makes them perceive technology positively. However, workers who may never be absorbed in a new technology system due to factors such as education should be considered as well, by enrolling them to colleges to get education in that specific field for example, how to use computer in order not to feel subjected by the organization. Solutions Nevertheless, despite the above shortcomings of technology, there are effective measures that can be undertaken to ensure they no longer affect organization. Firstly, definition of the problems caused by technology on workers is important since they may be several, which require different approaches to solve. It may appear difficult to assess impact of technology on employees since it can be positive or negative. However, through top quality management (TQM) management it is possible to engage with employees at lower positions who actively implement new technology to outline hardship they experience when using new devices (Vallabhaneni & Association of Professionals in Business Management, 2008). This can be done by forming an effective human resource department to enable workers make suggestion as well as raising complaints in instances where new machines are exposing their lives to danger. Depending on technology problem workers face, different approaches can be undertaken therefore it is important to clearly understand and define the issue that employees want addressed. For example, the issue of workers fear of losing their jobs should be addressed with utmost knowledge and skills by the field of human resource by sensitize employee on the need to embrace technology and advantages associated with the move. There are various ways in which problems can be identified, the approach depend on the nature of the problem and available avenues for arriving on the cause of a problem. Management should look for an in-depth way to unravel various cause of stress on workers caused by technology and seek to know how workers are ready to handle them. Secondly, after identification of the technological issue experienced by workers, analysis is done in order to know how to integrate related issues to avoid duplication of activities when solving problems in question. Analysis of problems helps organization come up with the most suitable solutions to solve the issue for long-term, if not permanent. Management should analyze the most prevalent issues and rank them according to their degree of impact on workers. For example, the issue of worker resistance on implementation of new technology should be the first issue to address since it is the avenue for helping solve the rest. Ones employees have agreed to embrace new technology; the other problems such as E-waste shall be handled with time. Note that, employees should be involved in analyzing technological problems they encounter at work since they are the ones that use new machines as opposed to management, which may not have direct contact with new machines (Bender & National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008). Analysis helps management unravel known and hidden problems that workers face thus enabling formulate relevant measures to address the same. The analyst should seek to unravel root cause of the problem that workers face when adapting to new technology in order to arrive at a specific solution that will address the entire issue. Once the problems are analyzed, the extent of negative impact of technology is determined, consequently, management formulates possible solutions to solve the issues identified. There may arise more than one solution for the same technology issue facing workers and it is upon the management to identify the suitable approach to solve the problem (International Labour Office, International Labour Organisation & International Labour Organisation, 1991). It may be necessary to end workers addiction on internet in order to improve performance, several ways can be used to solve the issue but there is always the best way to solve the problem. Management can choose to ban workers from accessing internet at work place or allow them enjoy internet during their resting time. The first approach may not be motivating since workers will feel deprived their rights while the second method may work out well since workers feel recognized and respected at their work place. Before making decision on the policy to apply solving issues of technology facing employees, seek to know which shall solve them for long-term, if not permanent, in order to create good working environment. Implementation is the next process after management identifies possible ways to deal with problem of technology affecting workers. Keenly, the management should find the best solution among the findings and implement it to solve issues of health caused by transmission of rays especially in the case of ship industry. It can be done by development of machines that emit environmental friendly waste as well as use of protective attire that ensures workers do not suffer physical damages such as burns from metallic parts of the vessel. Physical damages can also be addressed by creating awareness to workers through posters and education to keep off some places that can cause harm to their bodies. The safest way to deal with technology problem facing employees is by educating them on how to behave in the event of problem occurrence, how to go about it and what to do to prevent further occurrence (Lowry, 2007). Although it may be expensive and tedious to train workers to implement various strategies, it is the best way to deal with an issue prior to occurrence since workers do not have to consult their bosses when a problem arise instead they apply the techniques they learnt hence preventing disaster. After implementation of the best strategy, continuous review is inevitable to ensure that the policy works as intended thus enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of the strategy. Management has the obligation to review and evaluate how various activities are carried out to ensure they are being performed as required. If review is not done regularly, organization may get itself on the same issue in the future hence incur additional cost. Apparently, review and evaluation is important to ensure that recent issues in the field of technology are being addressed to enable workers keep pace with recent changes. This also boosts workers morale since almost everyone would like progress in their field of work as they try to outdo each other in departmental competition. The best way to review whether a policy is being implemented well, is evaluating workers attitude and interest towards specific issue to know whether they feel wholly satisfied or not. If the results are dissatisfaction, the policy need to be redrafted in a way it suits the needs of workers since they are the ones that actively engage with devices and machines at work place. Improvement Tips However, some steps have to be undertaken to make sure that workers appreciate existence of technology at their place of work. Most workers are not ready to embrace new technology for obvious reasons. Firstly, group workers into distinct groups with similar competencies and attitude towards improving and dealing with issue of technology in the organization. Individuals at different job positions have to take part in implementing new changes in the field of technology. Top-level management to the junior officers should contribute towards succeeding the project of ending wrangles caused by technology at place of work. Involvement of other stakeholders outside the organization such as suppliers and customers could as well improve the process. For example, in the health sector, top-level staffs should lead clinical officers in implementing use of new facilities at the health centers. This boosts their morale and motivation, as they are the ones that shall directly use facilities. Notably, every project requires team leader, therefore a leader should be appointed to lead the rest in the process of changing the current facilities used by organization for more sophisticated ones. Communication is very essential in implementing technology since various activities have to be coordinated in order to achieve the corporate goal. During implementation, communication is helpful to enhance rectification when a worker is not right. When there is a credible communication, it is easy to group workers into compatible teams which will enable complete a specific task in time and in the right way. Workers should be allowed to collaborate while working in order to help each other whenever they face difficulties hence increasing cohesion at work. Workers leader should meet them severally to communicate on various issues they want to be addressed to enhance smooth progress of the work (McIntosh, Luecke, Davis & American Management Association, 2008). If it is impossible to have meetings, then other forms of communication should be used such as making calls to confirm whether workers have managed to use devices that were challenging them. This will enable them learn quickly and start using devices in delivering services to clients. Interaction need to be enhanced in the entire process by allowing upward, downwards and horizontal collaboration. Upwards collaboration is where junior officers are able to consult top-level manager whenever there is a need. Additionally downwards communication need to be effected to enable managers communicate with junior officers who actively engage with new facilities. Finally, horizontal communication will enhance workers consult each other especially when they are not courageous to consult their bosses. Unavoidable circumstances need to be acknowledged when implementing new technology since sometimes they have to occur. For example, gadgets such as computers that operate when there is power may definitely embarrass a worker when power goes off. It is thus important for workers to keep in mind that shortcomings are obvious especially when implementing new changes in the technology sector. Conversely, management should understand that sometimes workers resist change therefore have effective measures to convince them. They should not stop implementing intended strategies because of workers resistance instead they need to sensitize and inform them how it shall benefit them and organization at large. However, it is rather important for the management to anticipate expected barriers during technology implementation and make prior plans to ensure that whenever setbacks arise there shall be a way out. Acknowledging workers for their achievement is an important aspect to boost their morale since they feel recognized and part of the organization. After achieving expected goals, management should acknowledge workers efforts through remuneration with such things like rewards, retreats and promotion. This further boosts their willingness to accept new changes in the future with the hope for similar remuneration. They therefore stay tuned for any form of change in technology since they know they shall benefit after all. Success need to be communicated to all parties involved and individual contribution be recognized by use of certificates for appreciation. Though challenges may occur during implementation of new technology, some situations can always be avoided especially by effecting quality management skills and making prior plans to deal with prospected issues to ensure success is achieved after a tedious process. In conclusion, challenge of embracing technology in organization should be handled through consultation approach among all stakeholders. The top-level management should act as the guide for workers in implementing new facilities in an organization. Additionally, it should be noted that, setbacks are part of implementing a project therefore, both workers and management should be ready to encounter challenges without much ado. It is suggested that workers be involved in deciding the form of technology they would like in the organization as this prepares them psychologically on what they shall be dealing with in their daily activities. Conversely, workers should be ready to accommodate any change that arises in the future especially in technology domain, which in recent past has experienced random changes. References Bamber, Greg J., &Lansbury, Russell D. (2013). New Technology: International Perspectives on Human Resources and Industrial Relations. London: Routledge. Bender, S., & National Bureau of Economic Research. (2008). The analysis of firms and employees: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Hester, R. E., & Harrison, R. M. (2009). Electronic waste management. Cambridge, UK: RSC Pub. Hodgetts, R. M., & Hegar, K. W. (2008). Modern human relations at work. Mason, OH: Thomson/Southwestern. International Labour Office., International Labour Organisation. & International Labour Organisation. (1991). Inland Transport Committee. Recent developments in inland transport. Geneva: ILO. Lowry, G. R. (2007). Information systems and technology education: From the university to the workplace. Hershey, Pa: Information Science Reference. McIntosh, P., Luecke, R., Davis, J. H. & American Management Association. (2008). Interpersonal communication skills in the workplace. New York: American Management Association. Pi-chu, W. (2013). Addictive behavior in relation to the “Happy Farm Facebook Application”. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 41(4), 539-553. Shechter, A., & Netzer, M. (2007). Analysis of radiation hazards to personnel on marine platforms. Environmentalist, 27(4), 603-609. Vallabhaneni, S. R., & Association of Professionals in Business Management. (2008). Corporate management, governance, and ethics best practices. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Read More
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