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Crisis Communication Plan for Seaniwa Textile Industry Limited - Case Study Example

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The paper "Crisis Communication Plan for Seaniwa Textile Industry Limited" is a wonderful example of a case study on management. A crisis can be defined as a situation that could threaten the integrity as well as the reputation of an organization whether it is big or small, in most cases hastened by the media’s negative or diverse intentions…
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Crisis communication plan Insert Name: Course Name: Tutor: Date: Introduction A company’s image and reputation is the most important thing. It is also just as sensitive and can easily be damaged. A crisis can be defined as a situation that could threaten the integrity as well as the reputation of an organization whether it is big or small, in most cases hastened by the media’s negative or diverse intentions. Crisis could be brought about by legal issues, natural as well as manmade disasters. The main problem now comes when the company, in the eyes of the public or the media, is not doing much to change the situation. Crisis communication is when a company needs to communicate to the public about the crisis. Since a crisis occurs unexpectedly, it could harm the reputation and credibility of the company and defending it becomes the number one priority. It is the duty of professionals in crisis communications department to ensure that the right procedures are followed to keep the company’s reputation and credibility intact. In an event of a crisis, the media can engulf the organization to successfully respond to the crisis’ demands. Murrell suggests that for a company to maintain its credibility, it must predict every move and confidently respond with immediate effect. This is made possible if the company employs experienced specialists in crisis communication. It will require more than the public relations department. The company should include individuals like the CEO, vice president of the company, Head of Public Relations, a senior manager from a department in charge of the field involved in the crisis and the company lawyer. An eye witness could also come in handy in shedding some light to the situation. A crisis communication plan not only helps the company avoid situations that could injure the reputation of the company but also helps guide the company on the right steps to take to tackle the situation. It is a holistic process that is followed by the company to minimize damage on their image. Aims and objectives of a crisis communication plan The aim of this plan is to enable the company to handle a crisis in the right manner should it occur. It also helps the company to avoid crisis. Precaution This will help the company prevent reputation damage in future. This could be achieved by involvement in community work, creating a good relationship with the media, social contributions among others. Planning prevention The main goal here is to prevent future crisis and to prevent them from getting out of control should they occur. This is achieved by a good communication management plan and a good response strategy. Crisis coping This task is a bit complicated since sensitive procedures are followed in handling the crisis, to diminish its degree and end it (Murrell, 2006). Here the company will require experienced professionals and a perfect crisis communication plan to ease the acuity if the crisis as well as avoid a long term damage of the company’s image. Post-crisis With every crisis comes an aftermath. This could last for along time even years. Here, the Public Relations department’s responsibility to recapture the attention of the public and rekindle lost respect. This can achieved through market campaigns and advertising. Seaniwa Textile Industry Limited Seaniwa textile Industry limited is a company that deals with the manufacture of textile products. It is an international company with a wide market range. It exports its products like calendars, beddings, curtains, carpet among others to all parts of the world. It produces among the best quality textile materials in the textile industry. The last thing this company needs is a dented reputation. Its image, reputation and credibility are its first priority for business to run swiftly. To ensure things are in order, the company must come up with a crisis communication plan just incase disaster strikes Crisis communication plan for Seaniwa Textile Industry Limited A crisis can occur when least expected. It is therefore always advisable to be prepared in advance. There are crises that can be predicted. These can be prevented. Those that are unpredictable can be diminished if approached in the right manner. A crisis communication plan is an escape and the best medicine for a crisis. There are facts to consider before preparing a crisis communication plan. The entire staff should be notified about the plan and involved in executing it. They should be informed on what to do incase of a crisis. This can be done by putting it to test at least once every year. Seaniwa textile Industry’s crisis communication plan delineates the responsibilities, roles and protocols that are to guide the company on the action to take incase of a crisis. The audiences for this communication plan are the staff, stakeholders, management, media, government, and general public. This plan is designed solely for the company. However, should an emergency occur, outside parties will get involved. Our steering principle is to communicate the facts as soon as possible and update them as the situation changes. Our goal is to give accurate information and fast. Since crises occur at the least expected time and place, our facts may be incomplete. We admit to this, but how we pass emergency information could affect the public’s acuity of the company. The smartest move would be to be to tell it all honestly and quickly to avoid damaging information from outside. Since the public may expect more than we have, it is always best to give accurate information and not to speculate what we don’t know. Our aim is to pass accurate, timely information to as many people as possible. Handling a crisis The first thing to do once a crisis occurs is to gather information and facts. Then the crisis communication team should be informed. If the crisis occurs during working hours, it is essential to ensure staff safety. If there are any injuries, provide medical attention. Crisis communication team The responsibility of this team is to create an action plan and choose a spokesman. Their work is to identify the action to be taken should a crisis occur. This team should consist of the staff and the management in communication and marketing departments. A recall roster for the managers with all their numbers; cell phone and beeper and home numbers should be made and issued to the primary team member. A crisis will always come unannounced so a complete detailed list of the management is recommended since you will never know who will be needed. In cases of a bigger crisis, it is advisable to have a larger crisis management team. After making the list, each team member is to be assigned a responsibility. The larger team is going to do more than just handle communication. It is responsible for making sure that all tasks are accomplished. It is also their responsibility to pick a spokesperson who will talk to the media. This could be the president or the CEO of the company. Their work is also to evaluate the situation to decide the course of action to be taken, determine suitable reaction, and come up with a plan of action for communication both internally and externally. Their other responsibility is to develop accurate messages that will reflect the rate of the situation, response from the Association and the steps to take to solve the crisis, prepare a script for the person who will be receiving calls, appraise necessary recourses for managing the crisis as well as record every detail of the crisis, action taken, and response from outside. If a crisis occurs in the absence of the staff, the team is responsible for notifying them about the crisis and how they should handle the media and the public. Staff needs and input should be considered. They should be instructed on how to respond to the media if need be, otherwise they are to direct the media to the respective spokesperson. The key thing is to protect the image of the company as much as possible. Once the crisis has occurred, the team should decide who should be informed first. The public tends to focus on information from other sources for instance rumors, news reports and word of mouth. Efficient communication will suppress rumors, preserve confidence and guarantee public safety. The stake holders should be notified and prioritized. Failure to do this, there may lead to more crucial crisis. It is also important to involve them in decision making. Emergency calls It is essential for the crisis communication team to have access to cellular phones just incase a crisis occurs after hours. It is important to compel the numbers and update them often. There should also be ready fee emergency numbers. Activate emergency lines and keep them open. This guarantees effective communication despite the time or location. There should also be a person on the ground that is responsible for receiving calls. Faster Response Institute a lucid line of communication Once a crisis has occurred, and the crisis communication team has been informed, the responsibility of letting out the news is forwarded to the public information officer. He is to be provided with all the gathered information. He, together with the seniors and crisis communication team will meet to decide which information should be released first depending on the nature of the situation. In this case the company can choose not to release the information themselves. It is now up to the public information officer to release the news. If he is not in a position to play the part he can leave it to his assistant. Pass the massage internally The first step is to pass the message internally. Inform the staff and stakeholders immediately. They can be informed via email, phone calls, alarms etc. the objective of this is to ensure their safety. This is the responsibility of the company’s public information officer. All the necessary facts should be collected and compiled before contacting the media. This will help avoid contradicting information that could cost the company its credibility. It is also very important to record everything that has happened. This could come in handy for future reference. Pass the message externally Before providing any information, it is advisable to prepare it. It can be prepared in fact sheets or press releases that contain all the particulars of the emergency also maintain necessary files for quick reference. (Murrell, 2006) Examine and investigate every detail. Be informed on where to get additional information. This will help avoid contradiction when answering questions from the media, the public or law enforcement. Tailor the information in a manner that will make it easy for the public to understand. When preparing the information, it is important to consider public concern, recognize that report from the media could be confusing, put present risks and other risks that are not part of the present fears aside and provide updates frequently as you continue to gather facts. After taking into consideration all that, we should have the courage to be the first to air the news the news despite how bad it is. It is worse if the public gets it from another source. Tell the bad news in form of an apology. However, sufficient information is needed and also satisfying answers as to how the situation is being resolved. Don’t lie or cover up the situation. Looking for a party to blame is of no help. The best thing to do is tell it all and tell the truth and fast. A smart budge would be to send a press release telling who what when where and how about the crisis. In the press release, express concern for any victims caught up in the crisis or any damages sustained. It is good to consider admitting the mistake up front and act quickly to rekindle confidence and credibility both internally and externally. The company’s lawyer’s presence is of great importance but it is better if the management communicates to the public and the media. Cooperate with the media The media provides an opportunity to let the story out. Their job is to air news as it arrives. If the company does not act fast, they will rely on the already available information from outside. Decide on how you are going to communicate with them whether it is via press releases or press conference. Establish a location to hold the press conference. Just make sure it is done very fast. Time is of essence here. To avoid coverage of negative stories, it is important to communicate with the media and in perfect time. A crisis is always accompanied by a rumor. Give them all the necessary information they inquire. Be done with it and put it behind you the sooner the better. If the information is not readily available, don’t cover up by giving hazy information or avoiding the media. This will only aggravate the company’s image. Create awareness of how the situation is and promise to provide more information with the progress. Keep updating them on the progress of the situation especially if the public is affected. The spokesperson should be well informed about the crisis to avoid contradictions. He should also be prepared for questions from the media. The response should simple and straight to the point. (Cohn, 2007) Obtuse statements could lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretation. Any figures or facts cited by the media should be challenged. Learn to control anger and emotions and let them know if there are questions that can’t be answered because of legal, personnel or confidentiality reasons. (Walters, 2008) When a crisis is well handled, it strengthens the company’s integrity with the media and the community at large. Make sure the entire media is included, don’t favor certain media companies. When preparing statements, the spokesman is advised to put himself in the victim’s shoes and communicate in a way sensitive to their ears. The statement should include a few messages that will be remembered by many. Talk about the matters in hand. Avoid getting out of topic. Be honest about unclear facts. Lying will only complicate things and could result to damaged image of the company because ultimately, one way or the other, the reality will come out. There are many ways to air the news without risking company image. The company can earn credibility and trust by being sympathetic and caring about those involved, being open and honest about the situation, and expressing dedication and commitment in trying to solve it. Articulating expertise and competence in dealing with the situation will help ease anxiety among the public especially if there are members of the public involved. Avoid over-reassuring. Inform the public how sensitive the situation is despite how small the actual number of people involved is and then observe them get calmer. (Cohn, 2007) Don’t give them promises you are not sure you will honor. If the situation is bad, they have aright to know just don’t give them false expectations. This will only add salt to injury. Be confident. Avoid at all costs tow acknowledge uncertainty. Any distress expressed will lead to the audience acknowledging distress. (Walters, 2008) Be sure of what you are saying and make it simple. Don’t leave them hanging. Your information should contain how, who when, why and where. Ghastly news may not cause panic as much as incoherent messages will. Allow the public the right to feel afraid. Should they express feelings of fear, don’t pretend they are nor or ask them not to be. Instead, give them things to do. Anxiety is abridged by a busy mind and a sense of control. Recovery Post-crisis takes longer even years. The plan should also include a recovery plan this will help the company know what to get back on its toes. (Cassidy, 1997)The plan should incorporate a comprehensive inventory of equipment which will be used when identifying lost or damaged property, evaluating precedence for replacing those equipments and dealing with insurance companies. Update this list every time you purchase or dispose of old equipment. Essential records Duplicate all important records. (Cassidy, 1997)Separate the originals from the photocopies and store them separately in secure places. The company should consider backing up computer data. Staff The staff will appreciate acknowledgement of their concerns and will gain a lot from quick return to normal business. (Walters, 2008) Including them in the continuity plan will make them fell included in the recovery thus motivating them to settle in faster. Depending on the state of the crisis, some employees may require counseling whether long or short-term. Consider this in the plan just incase. Put the plan into action The plan should be practiced at least once every year. Train the employees and the crisis communication team so that come that time they will be able to know what to do and everything will run smoothly. This will help prevent confusion and waste of time. Conclusion The whole idea of the plan is to protect the image of the company. Training the employees and the team benefits a great deal. Lives are saved, serious injuries are prevented and the business keeps going. Well-informed and well-trained employees feel secure and empowered while the employers gain the confidence to leave the company in capable hands. This communication plan is going to help Seaniwa Textile Industry Limited to prevent a crisis, deal with one without denting the reputation of the company, and during recovery, putting things back together. It will also ensure thing run smoothly. The information is communicated faster and accurately as well as the safety of the staff in considered. Putting the plan in action is crucial. Tossing away the plan will not help. Knowing what to do when and how during a crisis gives the people involved a sense of security and control that helps also in recovery phase. Employers should ensure that the staff is familiar with the plan and understands it. Putting up a business without a crisis communication plan is the riskiest strategies of all. There nothing to lose and everything to gain by structuring a crisis communication plan. Works cited Murrell Thomas: International Business Speaker 2006 Walters Candace: “Crisis Preparedness planning” McMillan publishers 2008 Cohn Martin: “It’s Crisis If There Is No Plan” Sage Publications 2007 Cassidy Michaels: Disaster Recovery Plan New York: John Willey & Sons Publishers, 1997 Read More
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